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Sally Randall

Deep Calls Unto Deep

Before you read this post, please take a moment to read our last post, “Just Two More Steps.” In it we shared the prophetic act we were led to do at the beach. This post will make more sense if you have read that post first.

We are thankful to know many were blessed by reading “Just Two More Steps” about our experience of diving into the ocean fully clothed and in our right minds. Until yesterday I thought the experience was primarily about the Lord dealing with our fear and about listening and heeding His voice even when it doesn’t make sense in the natural. Yesterday morning in prayer, though, I saw that it was about so much more. I realized it has much to do with the state of our world right now, and it was a call to the Body of Christ. Did you hear it? As I prayed more, I heard the Lord speak…

Oh my people do not stay, do not stay ankle deep where the waves threaten to topple you, where the sand beneath your feet shifts with the moves of the tide. There is danger in ankle deep waters – I have not asked you to dip your toes in the water, a little dipping for refreshment but not fully immersed, or fully engaged. I have not called you to stay on the shore of perceived safety. Many have played the sandpiper to previous waves of invitation – but there is no longer a place to stand on the shore. Do you understand that that season is over? There is no longer a place for it. The times demand a decision – the battle will take out the shore walkers, the sandpipers. Sandbagged hearts and shifting sands are the most dangerous place you can be. Pain and anger sandbag your heart – dive deep my daughter, my children, dive deep right now! Right where you are! (We were directed to dive in fully clothed because time is of the essence). There is no time to “prepare.” (We were told to go right then, not to change into a bathing suit.) Push past your wall of fear of what others will say – yes, it will cause others to mock you or even be angry with you - no, you will not see all before you, nor understand it but I say it is imperative to jump in NOW! Do not delay, do not rationalize, do not delay because others choose not to go – dive in NOW! With your back to the shore, face to the waves, dive into them, below their breaking. Face towards the ocean of my grace, the waters of my mercy and abundance. Keep your eyes there, do NOT turn back, do not look away from where I say to set your eyes. It is your place of safety – I AM your refuge, you will have to trust me like never before, do not look to the shore.

As I ponder these words, they resonate in my spirit. At the beginning of our sheltering in place orders due to COVID-19, I felt that it was a time for us to allow the Lord to work out things in our hearts, that a season was coming like none we have ever faced. It is one that requires greater discernment and hearing His voice than any we have experienced before. As I got in that water last week, knowing with everything in me that God had led me to that place, I was surprised by the fear that hit me. Yet I felt Him leading me further, beyond the fear and into His grace, into the deep water.

We know the end of the Book and the chapters yet to unfold. We know that “men’s hearts will fail them for fear” (Luke 21:26), that “perilous times will come” (2 Timothy 3:1). We do not know the day or hour when Jesus will return (Matthew 24:36), but we are encouraged to discern the seasons (Luke 12:56). The current season is rife with fear, uncertainty, and anger. It is a season to dive into His Presence like never before. It’s imperative! When Julie and I were on the waves in the deeper water, we felt like children. It was fun! We had no idea what was going on back on the shore. We couldn’t hear any voices—nothing but the sound of the surf. As we dive into waves, the sound of the ocean is amplified, and the noise of the shore is silenced. When we dive deep, His voice—like the sound of many waters—is amplified and drowns out all others. Like Lot’s wife was told not to turn around, our eyes need to be fixed on Him. He’s calling us deeper. The voices on the shore are still audible when we stay ankle deep. The sand retreating beneath our feet makes us unstable and more likely to fall when we stay ankle deep. Fear, uncertainty, anger, and the broken shells of the surf remain a constant threat when we stay ankle deep. Our footing betrays us when we stay ankle deep.

We cannot stay ankle deep in this season. Dive in. Go farther. Go where your feet can’t touch the bottom of the ocean of His love. Dive into the safety of the deep.

Deep calls to deep at the roar of your waterfalls; all your breakers and your waves have gone over me. By day the LORD commands his steadfast love, and at night his song is with me, a prayer to the God of my life. (Psalm 42:7-8)

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