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Sally Randall

Grief, Gratitude, and A Priceless Gift

My sister’s family got terrible news today. Another hit in a long line of terrible circumstances that have hit hard and fast with the unrelenting savagery of a cat 5 hurricane stalled at high tide. It’s hard to know what to say when there really aren’t words. A silent hug can be so much better than any words I could muster, but it’s hard to hug from 2500 miles away. So, I prayed for the right words as our text messages flew back and forth, and we agreed to talk in the morning.

I turned on worship music and tried to pray, but still, I had no words. Spotify was in charge of the song selection, and a song my niece had sent me a few months ago came on. In it all, my heart has been most concerned for her. As the song began, she filled my heart and I prayed she would be so filled with Father’s love that she would still be able to sing this song with a full and tender heart, not hardened by life’s storms.

You may know the song, “Gratitude,” by Brandon Lake.

All my words fall short

I got nothing new

How could I express

All my gratitude...

My words had fallen so short tonight, so painfully short.

So I throw up my hands

And praise You again and again

‘Cause all that I have

Is a hallelujah, hallelujah

And I know it’s not much

But I’ve nothing else fit for a King

Except for a heart

Singing hallelujah, hallelujah

How do we sing gratitude when uncertainty is trying to climb onto the throne of our hearts? When fear has declared himself king and is demanding you bow down? When overwhelming sorrow is precariously held at bay with scotch tape and some old gum? Tonight, it was that Still Small Voice speaking through a song and reminding me of a precious wedding gift that made my heart swell and gratitude hit me full force. Gratitude is a weapon of mass destruction to the enemy’s camp. Paul and Silas found that out as heartfelt praise flowed and chains fell. (Acts 16:16-40)

How does a wedding gift from 30 years ago bring me gratitude all these years later? Honestly, I don’t think I have a single wedding gift still other than this one. It isn’t tarnished or moth-eaten. It has grown, expanded, and affected many. For months before our wedding, I prayed and asked for a very special wedding present. I didn’t want fine china, the newest gadget, or handfuls of cash. I wanted salvation. I knew many who were coming to our wedding did not know Jesus and I wanted it to be so full of Father’s Presence that salvation would come to one of those guests. Although I don’t remember them, I know people gave us some very nice gifts. But NO gift was like the gift my Father gave me: I married the love of my life, a dear friend was touched deeply by His Spirit, and the wedding was the catalyst that brought my beloved sister to salvation in Christ, the sister now facing these storms.

Singing Hallelujah... with gratitude for a wedding gift that blesses me to this day and will for eternity. Life can be hard. Sickness and suffering happen. Tough questions go unanswered. But I am assured that my sister’s family will ride out the storm, safe in His refuge because the good Father who answered my prayer 30 years ago still answers prayers today. Yes, there are fierce wind and waves to face, but they do not face them alone - a wedding gift saw to that. So I throw up my hands and praise Him again - its all that I have and all that I need.

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